100 {HELP} = For A Topic Menu Type /CMENU {MENU} This help will show the exact command originally written in C-Script. So you can diagnose problems yourself. To use them the formats is "/CWhatever" ************ Menu ************ CVersion CSEEN CPAGE *********** ON Commands Menu *********** CJOIN, COP, CDEOP, CBAN, CUNBAN, CINVITE, CKICK, CCHAT, CSERVEROP, CTEXT, CNICK, CNOTIFY, CPART, CACTION CCOMMANDS and CQUIT {JOIN} ON JOIN HELP: 1:ON JOIN:#:/msg $chan Hi $nick! * This is basically an Auto-Greet when a person ($nick) join's your channel ($chan) You will automatically say Hi to them EX: Chris join's : you would say "Hi Chris!" *+2:ON JOIN:#:/mode $chan +o $nick * This is an Auto-Op command for users of level 2 (+2) : so if one of your friends is level 2 when he/she joins a channel you have Operator status in (*) ...you automatically OP them! {OP} ON OP HELP: +1:ON OP:#:/mode $chan -o $opnick * This is will very simply DEOP any level 1(+1) users that are opped. {DEOP} ON DEOP HELP: +7:ON DEOP:#:/mode $chan -o+o $nick $opnick * If Someone Deops A level 7 user (+7) ..Then you will Deop the Person who Deoped Your Friend ($nick) ....Also You Will Reop Your Fried ($opnick) !! =) {BAN} ON BAN HELP: * The ON BAN ONLY works with mIRC v4.5 and above. +7:ON BAN:#:/mode $chan -b $banmask * If Someone bans A level 7 user (+7) ..Then you will unban the mask that was banned ($banmask) {UNBAN} ON UNBAN HELP: There is No such command as ON UNBAN in mIRC: Here is how to Unban someone type "/mode #channel -b nick or address" {INVITE} ON INVITE HELP: 1:ON INVITE:#:/join $chan * I don't have this in C-Script. This command will make you Auto Join a channel you were invited to. The reason I don't use it is cause if someone tries to invite flood you to a channel that is locked...this will for sure flood you off. So I left it out for safety reasons =) {KICK} ON KICK HELP: +7:ON KICK:#:/kick $chan $nick Don't kick my friends! ((( C-Script KiCk ))) * If Someone Kicks A Level 7 user (+7) , you will Auto-Kick the Kicker =) {CHAT} ON CHAT HELP: 1:ON CHAT:hi:/msg =$nick HI $nick! * If someone is in a DCC CHAT conversation with you and they say "HI" you will automatically say "HI" back to them. =) {SERVEROP} ON SERVEROP HELP: +1:ON SERVEROP:#:/mode $chan -o $opnick * If A ServerOps a Level 1 user....then you will automatically Deop them! =) {TEXT} ON TEXT HELP: I can't possibly show you all of the ON TEXT commands, so here is an example: +1:ON TEXT:+access:#:/notice $nick access is set at level 1 * If a level 1 user types "+access" in a channel, you will automatically "NOTICE" him "$nick access is set at level 1" {NICK} ON NICK HELP: +2:ON NICK:/msg $newnick I think $nick was a much better nick. * If a Level 2 user changes his/her nick they will be msged and told that you liked there old nick better. I don't use this in C-Script, it is just an example. =) {NOTIFY} ON NOTIFY HELP: 2:ON NOTIFY:/notice $me [****NOTIFY INFO****] Hey Boss! Wake Up! $nick just joined IRC! * If Level 2 user on your Notify List Joins IRC...you will automatically be sent a "NOTICE" telling you so. {PART} ON PART HELP: +7:ON PART:#:/msg $chan He he, $nick is gone! Let the party begin!! * If a level 7 user leaves your channel... You will msg the channel the current msg. {QUIT} ON QUIT HELP: +7:ON QUIT:/msg $chan He he, $nick is gone! Let the party begin!! * If a level 7 user Quits IRC... You will msg the channel the current msg. {ACTION} ON ACTION HELP: +1:ON ACTION:trout:#:/describe $chan doesn't like fish in this channel $nick!! * If a Level 1 user says "Trout" in the channel you are in....you automatically say the current msg. {SEEN} SEEN HELP: * If someone types: SEEN in a channel you will tell them if you seen them * To do this manually type /SEEN {PAGE} +PAGE HELP There is a Pager set up for when you enable #away..If someone msges you OR joins a channel you are in they see a msg telling them to type +page This will play a Sound.wav and record there msg to [nick].txt (ie. Chris.txt) * to see the msg type /playmsg ************* C-BoT Commands ************* LEVEL 200: ALL COMMANDS CAN ALSO BE USED INSIDE A QUERY OR MESSAGE WINDOW (when doing so you MUST include all parms. eg. +op #MyChan Chris) +access +stats +time +topic +up +down +op +deop +voice +devoice +commands LEVEL 300: +add200 +invite LEVEL 400: +say +join +leave +cycle +kick +ban +unban +add300 +add400 +chanlog LEVEL 500: +mb +bk +UnSiteBan +spawn +create +auser +add500 +ruser +shoot +bw +msg +nick +pro +rpro +hackpro +rhackpro +mymic +rmymic +ignore +siteignore +rignore +rsiteignore +idle +ridle +die +users +Exe Path +INI PATH +suspend +nckpro +rnckpro +channels +shutdown +swearkick +rswearkick +restore events ****THERE ARE MANY MORE!!!!**** { VERSION } [C-Script v2.5] was created by SethD. Welcome to C-Script! Writer: SethD.